
I’m back! Well, I haven’t really gone anywhere far. I’ve just been terribly busy lately that I have in a way neglected posting on our personal blogs.

So what, pray tell, am I focusing my attention on these past few weeks? I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but I have been mentioning the phrase ‘the project’ occasionally in my earlier entries. Alright, the project is this. Both J and I (yes, it’s a partnership!) have been setting it up in between chores, work and caring for Erin. It’s barely a month old so it’s still pretty much a work in progress. And speaking of work, you could say that this is my ‘job’ for the moment and that now, I am officially a working stay-at-home mom. 🙂

Want to help me out with this project? If you know of anyone who will benefit from it, please do tell them about it. Also, I am very open to any comments or suggestions that you may have about the site. Don’t be shy to let me know of your thoughts. 🙂

Alright, I’m off to work. (naks!) You all have a great day ahead! 😀


I haven’t been bloghopping much as you all know, but I stumbled into this really hilarious post in one of my rare hops. It definitely made my day! 😀

One Response to “Updates”

  1. i’m glad it made your day. thanks for dropping by! ^_^ meow!

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